Darius Narvilas

Board Member


About me

My father encouraged me to enjoy the sauna. I am grateful to him for mine sauna experiences during my childhood. After that I went to the saunas on my own, at first for the occasion and then regularly. I was very good about my knowledge and skills in the sauna, before I once decided to attend a Lithuanian sauna academy amateur workshop. Then I realized that I know almost nothing about the sauna or the processes that take place in it. A few years later, I graduated Lithuanian Bath Academy and passed the theory and practice exams for the sauna professional – bathmaster. While studying at the academy, I participated in Lithuanian IV and V Whisking Championships, which took place in 2014 and 2015. In the 5th Lithuanian Whisking Championship I took the 2nd place.


E-mail: darius.narvilas(at)gmail.com
Phone No: +370 687 73050